Thursday, January 10, 2013

Face Book and Failing forward

My daughter has a fascination with turtles. I was thinking of turtles today.  I felt like a turtle, I guess, not knowing what a turtle feels or thinks like; but let me explain and then maybe you can identify with me also.

Have you ever been busy and engrossed in whatever you were doing like a turtle with your head in your shell. You stop for a moment pop your head out look up, you see the sun shining the clouds float by and pop your head back in to your shell and think wow it's great outside I think I will get out of my shell and enjoy the world for awhile. You pop your head out and get the rest of yourself out of the shell only to realize that where you find yourself is in the middle of the freeway with cars racing by and dodging horns blaring and possibly the sudden calamity of .... I think my analogy will work from there.

I found this happened to me yesterday. I popped my head out after being buried deep in my studies and sermon preparations to hop on FB awhile just to blow off steam and see what was going on in the world around ME.

I came across a quote on a dear friends wall, without thinking, and trying to sound as pithy and profound as I could I made my comment that would change all of history as we know it, or at least in my small mind anyway. I moved on didn't think any more about it and later on that night went to bed and slept quite peacefully I might add.

When I awoke, as is my custom, I checked my emails + FB messages to delete the trash and don't bother with ones, and to prioritize the one that are left for my reply's. I came across a message from my friend and before I could get past the first sentence I realized that my pithy and profound comment had wounded and offended them. I thought very humbly to myself... how could what I have written been offensive to them they must have a problem I won't worry about it. That didn't settle it and the Holy Spirit wouldn't let me forget it either.

The struggle of humbling yourself before a Holy God is huge and I personally hate even possibly considering that I could be wrong in any way. Between the gnawing pangs in my conscience and the racing replays of my comments I relented because of the awesome power of God. Like I would have won any way, not a chance.

The Holy Spirit began to show me where I had acted like this turtle analogy I shared earlier. I popped my head out to see what was going on with out looking to see where I was so I could be prepared.

I made a comment that opened the possibility of discussion from a viewpoint totally contradictory to the one my friend had intended. Not only that but by making this comment and not qualifying it on their wall I implied they were guilty of the view I purported  Not only that I did in a place that everyone would see it and I am not only this person's friend I am their pastor as well. I am sure I am missing something....

Anyway this brought me to my knees and just crushed my spirit thinking I had wounded and caused my friend such needless and pointless pain. I quickly sat down and prayed for forgiveness from My Lord and Savior, Jesus then got on FB and publicly acknowledged my sin and sought forgiveness from my friend.

I share all this for a number of reasons. The first being how carelessly we post comments on FB. I have said on countless occasions that FB seems to be the new diary(sp??). I was like that turtle who just popped out to see what it was like without looking around to see where I was or who would be affected. My challenge then is to reevaluate how you comment and respond to friends and family on FB from now on. Be thoughtful, considerate. Don't be quick and pithy it just may be more hurtful than you realize.

The second reason is to share some guidelines that may influence how you tweet, comment or share in the future.
   Think about who's wall I am on. Is this my wall or someone else's? I may say somethings on my wall that I fully accept responsibility for but commenting on someone else's post may bring accountability to them that you never intended.
   Consider the other person in as many ways as you possibly can no matter if they are your friend or not. You may not know that they have been sick or that a family member died, or they lost their job, etc. Consider how the other person will respond to, feel about, understand, etc, your comment. Walk a mile in their shoes before you comment.
   You and I may be friends but I would never go over to your home and vandalize the decorations or signs on your front lawn. I would never paint over the pictures in your living room or the mirror in your bathroom with graphitti and gang signs.
However, when I post comments carelessly that bring you hurt, discouragement or embarrassment on your wall or to your accounts, I, in fact, have entered your personal space, your home, where you are safe and secure, and have vandalized your property publicly. Consider that next time before you get upset about someone not keeping their word and just ripping them up on FB on their wall.
   Consider what level of trust your relationship has. The average person could say things to someone that would be harmless and laughable, but if you are a teacher, a coach, a youth leader, a pastor, to say some of those same things would cut to the bone because of the relational trust you have with that individual.
   Lastly, don't get all bound up like you would after eating cheese from reading this. Have fun, enjoy your relationships, joke, laugh, instruct, learn even provoke on a occasions. Just remember to ask for forgiveness immediately when you offend and cross the line. Don't let pride destroy what can be such an incredible blessing.

My final reason for writing this is that making a mistake unintentionally does not mean you are malicious or broken. It is a tool in the hand of an ever perfecting God who invades our lives with His amazing Grace to show us what we need to learn and how to grow. God's grace empowers us to seek forgiveness and to forgive. It empowers us to teach others from our mistakes and to learn from ours and others mistakes. It empowers us to love the unlovable even when we are unlovable.

I hope this helps you as it has reminded me about how influential my words are even if I think they are not. God continues to take this ragged man of sin and by His grace shape and form me into a prince of glory, a child of the King of Kings. A royal ambassador.

I pray we will meet again for coffee and conversation if you have a differing view or comments you would like to add feel free.

Till next time enjoy your journey from ragged to royal.......

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